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FREE COMICS & A Personal Update!

FREE COMICS & A Personal Update!

First, let me just thank all of you who get our newsletter or surf our site, and actually open and check it out, often clicking on links to take a deeper dive! You folks are the main reason we're here! While creative work is its own reward, the feeling of it...

The Visionary Creation Audio Drama Library

The Visionary Creation Audio Drama Library

Visionary has partnered with EvCol Entertertainment to produce the Visionary Creation Library of audio dramas, as episodes in their On Another Wavelength series! Each episode is a stand-alone story set in the sprawling Visionary Creation shared worlds setting! Get these first glimpses into our exciting new worlds today!

Visionary at Fairfax Comic Con Saturday, March 4th, 10-4:30!

Visionary at Fairfax Comic Con Saturday, March 4th, 10-4:30!

Our first convention of 2023 takes us to a new show for Visionary - Fairfax Comic Con at the Dulles Expo Center! CCO / CEO / Publisher C. Edward Sellner will be present, selling books, prints, and playing cards, including our brand-new Deadlands titles done with...

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